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DJ Gabriel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message ılılı .. TT .. ılılı Location Outlander since 20-01-2003 Posts 1,899 Thanks 0 0 thanks in 0 Posts
Everyone of you is probably not aware that 1 December is the day nderkombatare against HIV; And for this every month in Albania affected more than 3 away from this fatal virus: Yes we do need to protect ourselves and if so, how can to protect ourselves from this virues so bad where you Thon reduced annual flowers life while death continues annual flowers to grow, and you Give your thoughts on this issue so important!
As we all know, 1 - December is International annual flowers Day to sensitize all human beings in the fight against the deadly disease AIDS. As every year, even today many associations, annual flowers social groups, schools and other institutions nationwide have said with one voice "NO" annual flowers this "murderer" accursed who up to now has received hundreds of thousands of lives, among them children innocent you still do not know what it was life. Since the given case as Default community member and member of Vlora Youth Centre, I would like to urge all to help those suffering today, annual flowers and if smaller contribution. I personally, today I bought a carnation flower to collect an association of income for the people infected with AIDS, and bestowed a small amount of money. Also let me take the opportunity annual flowers and write some address: (to be coming to help more children in the Italy & Greece-hope annual flowers and wish not to have such affected by this disease) CENTRES WHICH BECOMES THE BLOOD TEST FOR HIV / AIDS and testing sexually transmitted infections. ATHENS National Institute of Public Health 196, Alexandras Ave Tel: 010 64 47 941 010 64 67 473 or Sexual Transmitted infections and HIV / AIDS National Reference Centre "Sygros Andreas" Hospital 5, St. Dragoumi Ionos. Tel: 010 72 43 579 or 39 611 010 72 Northern Greece THESSALONIKI annual flowers National Reference Centre for AIDS Science School - Medical Department "Aristoteles University annual flowers of Thessaloniki" Tel: 031 061 0999 or 003 031 0999 081 Ioannina Greece Northwestern annual flowers National Centre for AIDS Reference Laboratory immunological Pathology Section Ionnina University of Ioannina 45110 Tel: 097 608 0651 ____________________________________________________ 20100 MILANO ITALY-Milan Lombardia Poliambulatorio, Centro annual flowers Via MASANIELLO AIDS, 23 Tel: 02/4531425 Prelievi Lun-VEN. 8:30 to 12:00 Emilia-Romagna OSP 40133 Bologna, Maggiore, Div. Mountain. Inf. Largo B. Nigrisoli, 2 Tel: 051/6478270 47037 Rimini Rimini OSP. Nurses, Div. Mountain. Inf. Via L.Settembrini, 2 Tel: 0541/705500 annual flowers Prelievi Lun.-Sab. 9:00 to 12:00 ____________________________________________________ annual flowers Having closed my posting here, I wish on behalf of the community not to have the Default sick with this disease and all over Albania. All strive together to fight this deadly disease of the century. Auloni honestly!
July 14, 2004 A report to the United Nations Organizatss to say that 2004 is prparim irndsishmprsa br t medication for insurance iprket numrm a great t t AIDS victims and prsa iprket achieving devotion m t s great political and financial in the fight kundrsmundjes fatal. Despite kt, n report states annual flowers that there are enough br pr efforts for prevention eprhapjes s HIV and AIDS. Last year there were 5 million new t infected with HIV, the figure that m greater than it infected a number of first year m. Number it has infected 38 million annual flowers in its reach. Its nearly 3 million died of AIDS (AIDS) virus last year and continues to prhapet speeds. annual flowers N Asia, home to 60 percent of the population's bots, there is a growing m t greater than in any other continent bots number t t affected persons by the epidemic. Infected only 2003 m tepr than one million people with HIV. N India has 5 million infected. After some six years India can replace South Africa as the country with the number m t t smurve up with AIDS. Whereas 10 million annual flowers Chinese may become infected with AIDS by 2010. N Africa there are 25 million annual flowers people infected. annual flowers Nearly 40 percent et Suaziland adults in Botswana and are infected with HIV. M is the Caribbean region most affected in the world after Afriks. HIV and AIDS continue to prhapen are in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, especially due to prdoruesve for intravenous t drogs. Eastern Europe N m t infected countries are Estonia, Latvia, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Meanwhile the virus is spreading in Belarus, Kazakhstan
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