Welcome to the website's e-Vietnam Friendship Society - * Welcome to Viromas.org Romania - Website of Vietnam - Romania Friendship Association * Bine ati venit la Website al Asociatiei de Prietenie Vietnam - România beam funny stories about Romania Doctors and researchers (end) | Vietnam Friendship Association - Romania
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, memories Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
- I'm sorry, but do not have any medicine for him to shut up ...
- I came to ask him if I can not shower once ...
21. Doctorul
Se scoala doctorul Roman şi raspune: "N-avem ce sa comparam, tulip bulbs Toti sunteti Fata de noi în România inapoiati, creier şi am luat unul Fara Fara inima, l-am pus ministru şi de finante Toti ISI cauta acum de lucru!"
Russian doctor says: "The work that is not a major achievement. In Russia, we took half of a heart transplant brought to another person. And after two weeks, both self-employment for his heart away! "
Romanian doctors stand replied: "We have nothing to compare, all of them are backward than us. In Romania, we have taken a no brains and no heart to it as Minister of Finance, and now all is order to find jobs for themselves! "
L controleaza Medicul tulip bulbs her stones, II şi face analize tulip bulbs concluzioneaza trebuie neaparat both SA-l taie. IL incurajeaza Barbat ca pe celalalt testicol and face treaba Singur, Fara probleme. Dupa un timp, tipul se cu aceeasi intoarce medic la problema, ingrozit de-a dreptul.
I. şi se albastrise celalalt. Din nou peste analize analize. Medicul ajunge la aceeasi concluzie: trebuie scos doilea şi al. Cu greu, saffron doar cu viata scape, tipul castrarea definitiva accepta. Dupa un din nou la timp se intoarce medic:
After a time, he returned to the doctor with the same problem, fear of that fact. Hon rest of him is green as well. Again doctors tested thoroughly and come to the same conclusion: to cut off the island Monday. It's awkward, but to keep the network alive, castrated boys accepted permanently.
-Apai, Unu: femeile mai sunt rusinoase, nu s-ar caca ele Chiar în mijloul drumului, s-ar duce intr-un tufis colea; doi: Dupa distanta dintre Rahat URMA şi de pisat, e limpede both e de Barbat; şi trei: eu l-am facut!
... A parallax tulip bulbs is: they shy woman, they can not sit between the way they should look into the newly deceased; two is: according to the distance between the pile of shit and piss stain, clear that the man; and three is: I've made it!
Who would have guessed that ice could harm the human body to that?!?!
Bula Savantul studiaza un purice in laborator. Il aseaza foaie de pe o si striga hartie: - Sari! Puricele sare. Bula ii taie picioarele, din nou pe hartie aseaza il si striga: - Sari! Puricele nu mai sare. Constiincios, Bula noteaza: Dupa ce i se taie picioarele, nu mai puricele Aude!
3. Am intampinat dificultati în a corect conduce;
Sanatate inseamna Sport!
Sexual woman means!
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members tulip bulbs News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution tulip bulbs build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, tulip bulbs memories tulip bulbs Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
Select Category Forums (190) Health - Life (175) Relax (12) Gallery (28) Gallery (21) Videos (7) Introduction (22) units of (1) Functions (1) Structure (5) Legal Documents (15) Anniversary - Memories (169) Memory (147) Country - The Romanians (13) Books - Magazines (156) Books translation from Romanian (24) Books written in Romania (29) Special tulip bulbs issue of Assembly (6) Support (1) News & Events (219) The Work-PR (1) Economy (13) Sports - Travel & nbs
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, memories Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
- I'm sorry, but do not have any medicine for him to shut up ...
- I came to ask him if I can not shower once ...
21. Doctorul
Se scoala doctorul Roman şi raspune: "N-avem ce sa comparam, tulip bulbs Toti sunteti Fata de noi în România inapoiati, creier şi am luat unul Fara Fara inima, l-am pus ministru şi de finante Toti ISI cauta acum de lucru!"
Russian doctor says: "The work that is not a major achievement. In Russia, we took half of a heart transplant brought to another person. And after two weeks, both self-employment for his heart away! "
Romanian doctors stand replied: "We have nothing to compare, all of them are backward than us. In Romania, we have taken a no brains and no heart to it as Minister of Finance, and now all is order to find jobs for themselves! "
L controleaza Medicul tulip bulbs her stones, II şi face analize tulip bulbs concluzioneaza trebuie neaparat both SA-l taie. IL incurajeaza Barbat ca pe celalalt testicol and face treaba Singur, Fara probleme. Dupa un timp, tipul se cu aceeasi intoarce medic la problema, ingrozit de-a dreptul.
I. şi se albastrise celalalt. Din nou peste analize analize. Medicul ajunge la aceeasi concluzie: trebuie scos doilea şi al. Cu greu, saffron doar cu viata scape, tipul castrarea definitiva accepta. Dupa un din nou la timp se intoarce medic:
After a time, he returned to the doctor with the same problem, fear of that fact. Hon rest of him is green as well. Again doctors tested thoroughly and come to the same conclusion: to cut off the island Monday. It's awkward, but to keep the network alive, castrated boys accepted permanently.
-Apai, Unu: femeile mai sunt rusinoase, nu s-ar caca ele Chiar în mijloul drumului, s-ar duce intr-un tufis colea; doi: Dupa distanta dintre Rahat URMA şi de pisat, e limpede both e de Barbat; şi trei: eu l-am facut!
... A parallax tulip bulbs is: they shy woman, they can not sit between the way they should look into the newly deceased; two is: according to the distance between the pile of shit and piss stain, clear that the man; and three is: I've made it!
Who would have guessed that ice could harm the human body to that?!?!
Bula Savantul studiaza un purice in laborator. Il aseaza foaie de pe o si striga hartie: - Sari! Puricele sare. Bula ii taie picioarele, din nou pe hartie aseaza il si striga: - Sari! Puricele nu mai sare. Constiincios, Bula noteaza: Dupa ce i se taie picioarele, nu mai puricele Aude!
3. Am intampinat dificultati în a corect conduce;
Sanatate inseamna Sport!
Sexual woman means!
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members tulip bulbs News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution tulip bulbs build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, tulip bulbs memories tulip bulbs Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
Select Category Forums (190) Health - Life (175) Relax (12) Gallery (28) Gallery (21) Videos (7) Introduction (22) units of (1) Functions (1) Structure (5) Legal Documents (15) Anniversary - Memories (169) Memory (147) Country - The Romanians (13) Books - Magazines (156) Books translation from Romanian (24) Books written in Romania (29) Special tulip bulbs issue of Assembly (6) Support (1) News & Events (219) The Work-PR (1) Economy (13) Sports - Travel & nbs
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