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"As your hands and at the lowest cost to make the interior more original school?" - This question set in collective Zburazhskay school. The idea came somehow by itself. It was decided to decorate the walls of the assembly hall and corridor stylish panels. Implementation took artfully conceived teacher Jeanne M. Novick. On the lessons of labor it interested flowers of evil guys work with bulk products and natural material. With skillful teacher guys converted rice, buckwheat, millet, peas, nuts, coffee beans, seeds, watermelon, flowers of evil squash, shells and acorns in the material for these masterpieces. After painstaking work with paints and glue under the hands of the children came to life vivid colors, beautiful scenery, charming abstraction. What was the result of teamwork, surpassed all expectations. - These petals are made of pumpkin seeds, and this bright background tnshae nothing flowers of evil like corn. All creative material can be found in every house or in the garden. As the saying goes, nice and cheap. This kind of skill available to everyone - says Jeanne M.. By the way, this woman - a real handyman. She knows how to work with straws with pleasure involved kvilingam - making flowers from twisted paper, subservient to her painting on glass, plastic, and applique ribbons, and modular origami. Incidentally, modular origami lesson captured in time Jeanne Mihajlovnu more than anything else. Swans and flowers, loaves and love parrots, made by the hands of Joan Mikhailovna of small paper modules, so original and interesting, I just do not take the eye. Time of their production, of course, it took a lot. Not one night, as recognized by the skilled worker, the work went without sleep. But the result is worth it. "Jeanne M. Our people are very reckless and frantic. If it gets down to business, and know that we obtain a new masterpiece "- exactly characterize teacher colleagues. Many learn from it to create perfect. Everyone wants to decorate a room original products. - Art - says Jeanne M., - everyone can learn. It would only desire. A striking example of this - lessons with children. They create a miracle with their own hands. Only need to inspire their idea, the result of interest. And it can only make a creative person in whose hands even the simplest thing becomes flowers of evil another interesting shape. In the photo: Jeanne Novik with their masterpieces.
That's a crkcjeraack answer to an interesting question ...
Awesome you should think of sonhmeitg like that ...
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Lukowski chairman Village Council elected Elena Maruk. Chairman of the Council of Agriculture Chernyansky elected Alexander Pyatruchyk. "Alcor" expanded the geography of The Farm "Doropeevichi" eponymous SEC today receive 60 percent milk-class BET corn reliable compass in life a message of peace to future generations
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Fear, try to protect Terrible afraid, just panic No, I am not afraid, ill flu several times Yes, I'm afraid, so observe precautions Yes, I'm flowers of evil afraid, is not afraid to be vaccinated flowers of evil as a folk remedy I have already had chickenpox
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