Sunday, February 1, 2015

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Flags or small squares belong to what is known as the art of paper perforated or Spanish pretty flowers papel picado and this art is one of the Mexican folk art that despite the use of this type of paper as an accessory for the holidays in other countries continued pretty flowers this art is the Chinese art of paper cutting, paper art drill made Traditionally hand, through the accumulation of about forty or fifty layer of tissue paper is then used a small carving tools for perforating these papers at once by a particular design at the end of this process pretty flowers the result or boxes of paper are similar in design and often is linked to these units in a string and suspended several units and this art may be Butti tissue paper and then cut using a sharp scissors, and designs months in perforating the paper are often dependent on the forms of flowers, pretty flowers birds or skeletons or suns, butterflies, fruits and other
In Mexico, the use of such securities as an accessory on several occasions, both religious and non-religious events is used in weddings and Dean and Christmas and Easter festival of the dead and the other, there are also shades are often customized to an event without other are customizable pink, cyan and white at a special pretty flowers ceremony the Virgin and is used pink bright, orange, purple in the dead festival and is used in grades violet Easter holiday colors pretty flowers of the Mexican flag either a green, red and white are allocated to celebrate Braih home Guadlab virgin and is also used these colors on the anniversary of Mexican Independence Day
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