Saturday, February 28, 2015

Countries affiliated with IVWF - INTEGRAL Vovinam Federation Wold are: Romania, Argentina, Algeria,

Countries affiliated with IVWF - INTEGRAL Vovinam Federation Wold are: Romania, Argentina, Algeria, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Ghana, Great Britain, India, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Senegal, Spain, Uruguay.
The total medals standings at the end of the competition. Congratulations to our athletes and federal coach, Master Florin Macovei! 1. ITALY (10 gold, 10 silver, 10 bronze - 30 medals total) 2. ROMANIA (4 gold, 4 silver, 1 bronze - a total of 9 medals) 3. France (three gold, two silver, one bronze - a total of 6 medals ) 4. SPAIN (three gold, two bronze - a total of 5 medals) 5. BELGIUM (1 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze - a total of 5 medals) 6. POLAND (1 gold, 2 silver - a total of 3 medals) 7. SWITZERLAND ( one bronze - medal total 1) Germany (1 bronze - a total of 1 medal) 8. DENMARK (0 medals). Romania won medals in the following samples: Long Ho Quyen Tinh Hoa Kiem Luong Nghi Thuc Quyen Phap Thap The Bat Song Phap Tu Tuong Luyen Mot Con - Female Song Luyen Dao Ba Song Phap Luyen Kiem Fight Song - -80 kg category in 28th November 2010 in Tenerife, held EVVF official examination, recognized by the European Federation WVVF. An examination session, they were technical check Masters, Coaches and athletes from different countries Quan Chuong Nguyen before Master Van Chanh Chieu, international technical director. Master Michele Garofalo (Italy) to receive one of the highest levels in Europe, and very important in Vovinam worldwide, six Dang. Master Vittorio Cera (Italy) and Claudio Zilio (Italy) received 5 Dang. Grades 4 dang red belt were given, rose drawings not only for tests and technical program, but for all the world's Vovinam dissemination. The three Italian rose drawings masters are involved in the development of Vovinam's in Italy and around the world have also positions both in the European Federation, and in the World. Together with Italian masters degrees earned - 4 Red Ring Dang Masters in Germany, Dietmar Thom and Spain, Antonio Morales.
HO VANG DAO PLOIEŞTI Vietnamese Martial Arts Association Club HO VANG PLOIEŞTI DAO (translation - ROUTE yellow Tiger), rose drawings is one of titratele Vovinam Viet Vo Dao clubs in the country. HO DAO PLOIEŞTI VANG started work as of 01.07. 2002 to the present. Coach, Cristian Georgescu holder CN 2 Vovinam Viet Vo Dao in DANG, CN 1 DAN in SPORT CHANBARA, CN 1 Dan Taekwondo WTF, is president rose drawings and coordinator of the club. He graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports School Coaches. He has extensive experience in martial arts with an age of 25 years, with National Champion titles won by 2000 and many other championship titles won by the club students over 13 years of coaching. Among the styles practiced rose drawings by Cristian Georgescu Coach 1990 - 2015 are listed: Tae kwon do (1990-1992) Kick Box (1990) Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) (1992-1993) Kung Fu - Chinese boxing (1994 - 1996) Qwan Ki Do (1996-2000) Vovinam Viet Vo Dao (2000-2015) Sport Chanbara (2010-2012) Modern Kobudo (2010-2012) Jeet Kune Do (2010-2014) rose drawings Taekwondo WTF (2014-2015 TOTAL medals rose drawings 2003 to date: 204 medals rose drawings VANG HO Sports Club is affiliated to IVWF PLOIEŞTI DAO - INTEGRAL Vovinam rose drawings World Federation
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