Welcome to the website's e-Vietnam Friendship Society - * Welcome to Viromas.org Romania - Website of Vietnam - Romania Friendship Association * Bine ati venit la Website al Asociatiei de Prietenie Vietnam - România beam funny stories about Romania Doctors and researchers (first part) | Vietnam Friendship Association - Romania
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, memories Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery flowers for algernon Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, flowers for algernon life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
1. Who facut Ce? Ion de Medicina si e Termina facultatea repartizat intr-un sat. Acolo medicul batran informeaza il ca nu sta cu el poate prima saptamana (cum ar fi trebuit) pleaca spunandu si-i sa fie ce la atent face. Se intoarce peste si-l 7 Zile intreaba a facut ce. La care Ion ii spune: - Prima Data venit a baba o o ca durea capul, asa ca i-am dat un calmant. A doua oara a venit la un copil julit genunchi, asa ca am curatat Rana, am dezinfectat-o si l-am Pansat. Vineri cand sa inchid cabinetul a venit Maria, a incuiat USA, dezbracat si sa sa-mi spunandu intins pe masa - Ioane, nu am vazut Barbat de trei luni! Medicul sufletul cu pe la Gura il intreaba flowers for algernon Ion: - Si ce-ai facut? - I-am pus picaturi flowers for algernon in ochi!
What did you do? Ion graduate Sector Y and assigned to a village that. In it, he tells his old doctor said that he could not work with him in the first week (because of the need) and go, and advised him to pay attention to his work. Than seven days after he returned and asked what he was doing. Ion told him: first hut there was an old lady to call a headache, I gave her painkillers. Second, a boy with abrasions to his knees, I have to wash wounds, antiseptic and bandage he accepted during the last six, when I'm close to the clinic is Maria, she locked the door , undress, lie on the table and said to me: Oh ion, in three months I did not see the man! The doctor elderly, people with heart in mouth to ask the right: -And he do? -I Have a few drops into her eyes! 2. Analiza flowers for algernon a spermei. Un de 75 de ani batran, Spital merge la sa faca o analiza a spermei. Doctorul II borcan si un-i spune: - Ia borcanul asta si cu analiza Maine vino! A doua zi, batranul apare, flowers for algernon cu borcanul curat si gol de la ca FEL ziua trecuta. Doctorul intreaba ce sa intamplat, iar batranul explica: - Stiti, doctore, uite ce-am patit: flowers for algernon Prima data dreapta am incercat cu, cu apoi Stanga si nimic. Apoi am chemat nevasta-mea-o pe. A incercat si si cu ea dreapta Mana, Mana Stanga si cu, cu apoi Gura: prima data cu proteases, protease apoi Fara nimic si tot. Apoi am chemat-o pe vecina de alaturi: a incercat ea si si si cu cu amandoua mainile Gura Fara rezultat si tot. Doctorul era socat: flowers for algernon - Who chemat-o pe vecina .... ????, Iar batranul raspunde: - Da si ne-am chinuit oricat, n-am sa deschidem flowers for algernon reusit borcanul!
Sperm test. A 75-year-old old man to the hospital for testing sperm. The doctor gave him a jar and said: -Mr holding a bottle, the test tomorrow brings! flowers for algernon The next day, the old man came with a clean jar and not muddy the day before .Bac officer asked what had happened, the old man explained: acpt, the doctor said no, it occurred to me that this : The first time I tried the right, then left them for nothing. Then I called my wife; she tried with my right hand, then left, then verbally: first-time author mouth next time and not for nothing. Then I called her neighbors nearby: she also tried it with both hands, both oral and still no results. The doctor was shocked: -He called the neighbor ... ??? The old man replied: flowers for algernon -Yeah, and whatever we have tormented each other, we could not open the jar!
5. Medicul sexology. Medicul sexolog, telefoneaza Unei paciente, în URMA unui consult facut la insistenta flowers for algernon sotului: - Comparand FISA dumneavoastra a sotului cu CEA, am descoperit o neconcordanta. Sotul spune both face sex de doua ori pe saptamana, iar dumneavoastra both faceti sex, de cateva ori pe zi. -Foarte Exact! flowers for algernon Wholesale and ramane ASA, Pana Cand vom Casa pentru achita creditul.
Dr. science sex. Physician flowers for algernon Faculty sex call a female customer, flowers for algernon after a visit with the presence of both husband: -The match her profile and her husband, I discovered there is a discrepancy. Her husband said that having sex twice a week, she did have sex several times a day. -Very Accurate! And it will remain so, until we pay off the mortgage.
- Ti-as da ca la toti niste pastile, dar ce-mi ESTI prieten OData, vreau problema sa stii ca us e de Ordin psihic. Iti rec
Home About us Functions Structure Legal Documents Unit members News - Events News Economy Culture, Arts Sport, Tourism Cooperation, External Contribution build Society Anniversary - Memories country, the Romanian Memories, memories Books Books Books written in Romanian Romanian translation of association newsletter Photo Gallery flowers for algernon Video Gallery Forum Swap suggestions Health, flowers for algernon life Letter Send relaxing Forum Posts
1. Who facut Ce? Ion de Medicina si e Termina facultatea repartizat intr-un sat. Acolo medicul batran informeaza il ca nu sta cu el poate prima saptamana (cum ar fi trebuit) pleaca spunandu si-i sa fie ce la atent face. Se intoarce peste si-l 7 Zile intreaba a facut ce. La care Ion ii spune: - Prima Data venit a baba o o ca durea capul, asa ca i-am dat un calmant. A doua oara a venit la un copil julit genunchi, asa ca am curatat Rana, am dezinfectat-o si l-am Pansat. Vineri cand sa inchid cabinetul a venit Maria, a incuiat USA, dezbracat si sa sa-mi spunandu intins pe masa - Ioane, nu am vazut Barbat de trei luni! Medicul sufletul cu pe la Gura il intreaba flowers for algernon Ion: - Si ce-ai facut? - I-am pus picaturi flowers for algernon in ochi!
What did you do? Ion graduate Sector Y and assigned to a village that. In it, he tells his old doctor said that he could not work with him in the first week (because of the need) and go, and advised him to pay attention to his work. Than seven days after he returned and asked what he was doing. Ion told him: first hut there was an old lady to call a headache, I gave her painkillers. Second, a boy with abrasions to his knees, I have to wash wounds, antiseptic and bandage he accepted during the last six, when I'm close to the clinic is Maria, she locked the door , undress, lie on the table and said to me: Oh ion, in three months I did not see the man! The doctor elderly, people with heart in mouth to ask the right: -And he do? -I Have a few drops into her eyes! 2. Analiza flowers for algernon a spermei. Un de 75 de ani batran, Spital merge la sa faca o analiza a spermei. Doctorul II borcan si un-i spune: - Ia borcanul asta si cu analiza Maine vino! A doua zi, batranul apare, flowers for algernon cu borcanul curat si gol de la ca FEL ziua trecuta. Doctorul intreaba ce sa intamplat, iar batranul explica: - Stiti, doctore, uite ce-am patit: flowers for algernon Prima data dreapta am incercat cu, cu apoi Stanga si nimic. Apoi am chemat nevasta-mea-o pe. A incercat si si cu ea dreapta Mana, Mana Stanga si cu, cu apoi Gura: prima data cu proteases, protease apoi Fara nimic si tot. Apoi am chemat-o pe vecina de alaturi: a incercat ea si si si cu cu amandoua mainile Gura Fara rezultat si tot. Doctorul era socat: flowers for algernon - Who chemat-o pe vecina .... ????, Iar batranul raspunde: - Da si ne-am chinuit oricat, n-am sa deschidem flowers for algernon reusit borcanul!
Sperm test. A 75-year-old old man to the hospital for testing sperm. The doctor gave him a jar and said: -Mr holding a bottle, the test tomorrow brings! flowers for algernon The next day, the old man came with a clean jar and not muddy the day before .Bac officer asked what had happened, the old man explained: acpt, the doctor said no, it occurred to me that this : The first time I tried the right, then left them for nothing. Then I called my wife; she tried with my right hand, then left, then verbally: first-time author mouth next time and not for nothing. Then I called her neighbors nearby: she also tried it with both hands, both oral and still no results. The doctor was shocked: -He called the neighbor ... ??? The old man replied: flowers for algernon -Yeah, and whatever we have tormented each other, we could not open the jar!
5. Medicul sexology. Medicul sexolog, telefoneaza Unei paciente, în URMA unui consult facut la insistenta flowers for algernon sotului: - Comparand FISA dumneavoastra a sotului cu CEA, am descoperit o neconcordanta. Sotul spune both face sex de doua ori pe saptamana, iar dumneavoastra both faceti sex, de cateva ori pe zi. -Foarte Exact! flowers for algernon Wholesale and ramane ASA, Pana Cand vom Casa pentru achita creditul.
Dr. science sex. Physician flowers for algernon Faculty sex call a female customer, flowers for algernon after a visit with the presence of both husband: -The match her profile and her husband, I discovered there is a discrepancy. Her husband said that having sex twice a week, she did have sex several times a day. -Very Accurate! And it will remain so, until we pay off the mortgage.
- Ti-as da ca la toti niste pastile, dar ce-mi ESTI prieten OData, vreau problema sa stii ca us e de Ordin psihic. Iti rec