Friday, September 12, 2014

[Taiwan] riding Taiwan (5) Kenting street wedding table numbers in California Antelope Valley (Ante

[Taiwan] riding Taiwan (5) Kenting street wedding table numbers in California Antelope Valley (Antelope Valley) there is a State Poppy Reserve. (And the famous wedding table numbers names like Antelope Valley, Utah, that is Antelope Canyon), where the mountains and plains of poppies, the earth dyed bright orange poppies poppies close look at California's state flower, the annual 3-5 month period , is the California poppy bloom days before wedding table numbers throughout California poppy, now due to human activities such spectacular sight only to desolate it was a protected area protected area met with stuffed animals, this is the badger, the specimens specially marked All specimens died in a car accident with animal production, animal protection awareness is evident Verification code: Please enter the verification code after clicking listen verification code

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