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Under the Tower of London "bloom" 880000 ceramic poppies to commemorate a battle undead function essb_window469445113 (oUrl, oService) {var w = 800; var h = 500; if (oService == "twitter") {w = 500; h = 300 ;} var left = (screen.width / 2) - (w / 2); var top = (screen.height / 2) - (h / 2); if (oService == "twitter") { ( oUrl, "essb_share_window", "height = 300, width = 500, resizable freesia = 1, scrollbars = yes, top =" + top + ", left =" + left);} else { (oUrl, "essb_share_window", freesia "height = 500, width = 800, resizable = 1, scrollbars = yes, top =" + top + ", left =" + left);} essb_self_postcount (oService, 245508);}; function essb_pinterenst () {var e = document .createElement ('script'); e.setAttribute ('type', 'text / javascript'); e.setAttribute ('charset', 'UTF-8'); freesia e.setAttribute ('src', '// assets ? / js / pinmarklet.js r = '+ Math.random () * 99999999); document.body.appendChild (e)}; var essb_count_data = {' ajax_url ':' http: //www.adaymag .com / wp-admin freesia / admin-ajax.php '}; This summer, the Tower of London four weeks will be turned into a red flowers. To commemorate the First World War, the artist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper joint planning with "Blood Swept Lands And Seas Of Red" as the theme of the celebrations, there will be 888,246 flowers bright red poppy ceramic walls from the Tower of London the tilt down, each flower ceramic flower represents a sacrifice in the First World War soldiers.
Source: Historic Royal Palaces
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