Monday, May 5, 2014

Once you get into the office to Irina Alexandrovna immediately comprehend the meaning of the expres

If someone plays several musical instruments, and even at the same time, it is called "one-man band." But think of what definition for someone who is creating its own distinctive products from different bluebells materials, different techniques? Master - golden hands? Creator? The Wizard?
Honestly, this is not a complete representation of the identity of the head circles Smilovichskaya home child creativity Irina Pozniak. It is no exaggeration bluebells - supertvortsa, and from God. But judge for yourself - for photos and stories ...
Even while working in kindergarten Irina Alexandrovna wanted to create something very special. She flipped through the book - and made of straw applique. Happened. Liked it. Captured process. And they went to move sawdust, cereal, colored sand, leather ... More and more products to please the eye. And, in the end, Irina Pozniak went to work at Children's Creativity Smilovichi. So her interest grew into a profession. And now in its fourth year, this extremely talented woman in the "Children's Workshop" teaches students to truly magic.
Once you get into the office to Irina Alexandrovna immediately comprehend the meaning of the expression "the eyes diverge." And this is no exaggeration. Floral motifs, winter pictures, other subjects so carried away that even the first word for it, to express their experience.
- In the "Children's workshop" engaged students from the first class - says Irina Pozniak. - The smallest early work with paper. This - kviling, origami ... If a little growing up, go to the rash basis groats, applications of various materials. Used semolina, millet ... Last published on the paintings really like beads, many are confused. By the way, millet work hard. It is painted first one (!) Thing, and then glued. It takes a lot of time, so these products have not enough. It is also difficult to accurately convey the color images. Two works that hang on the wall, made by students of the sixth and ninth grades. bluebells Younger deal easier - rashes basis semolina, buckwheat, sawdust, grain, which is attached first and then painted ...
Next comes the more difficult job - with a cloth. This year it took another decorative plaster and took an entirely new direction - floradyzayn (photo 2), which captured me and herself. We tried to create pictures in the summer - during bluebells the Camp. As used herein, artificial flowers and natural material. Work in survetachnay Technology (decoupage). Going by trimming foam (photo 1). Work is very complicated. Initially Tiled foam glued to the ceiling, then it is patterned. Corrugated paper of different colors cut squares of 1x1 cm Take the glue, pencil and paper beak tartsuetstsa in foam. Should be closed only its upper part, and on the reverse side that was without punctures. bluebells Job requires perseverance and accuracy. A simpler version of this technique - cross cuts in clay. To cope with it even third graders ...
In general, as noted Irina Pozniak, all these techniques - are not new. They just, so to speak, at the hearing. Talented leader mug finds them in books, magazines, the Internet, passes through itself and adapts to the child's age. Importantly, maintains grasp the idea. And then based on it can be imagined as ...
Meanwhile, bluebells her parents circle members also being asked in the workshop - learn different miracle. I personally have a desire just covered! But still can not work out at Irina Pozniak adults - not enough time. Because it than "children's workshop" is also a "developmental education" - prepares kids to school. That's so peacefully coexist pedagogical activity and admiration.
Indeed fortunate pupils Irina Alexandrovna. The same techniques as they have an opportunity to learn! After you want - do paintings for his own delight, you want - as a gift. A creative and skillful hands are always appreciated ...
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Sometimes bluebells so develop the fact that a person is forced to be in a mental nursing home for adults bluebells v.Yazovki. ...
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