Monday, November 10, 2014

Fold lei. Hold darker strip color in one hand, arranged on one side of the body (eg. To the left) a

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Ribbon leis are hand-woven, which are usually presented in Hawaii as souvenirs on the occasion of a special ceremony, Milestone or occasion. They are a great way to celebrate the anniversary, birthday or graduation, and because they are made with ribbon, it will last for a very long time. They are very easy to make and can be easily scotland national animal personalized by weaving flowers or other items.
Select ribbon. Rep tape from 3/8 5/8 inch wide should be used for leis and tape should be at least 4 m in length. Choose ribbons in different colors, ideally one darker and one lighter.
Fold lei. Hold darker strip color in one hand, arranged on one side of the body (eg. To the left) and lighter scotland national animal in color while the strip placed on the other side. Now fold 6 inches scotland national animal lighter ribbon back on itself and pinch the ribbon end of 2 cm from the edge to form a small loop. Using a darker ribbon, tie one of the ends tightly around the loop to secure it in place, leaving a minimum of 4 inches of fabric free.
Extend lei. Good for a distance of dark cloth, a loop, and gently push it through the loop formed of lightweight fabric. Pull out the lighter ribbon down to secure a darker ribbon. Try to keep both flat ribbon when creating each loop.
Alternate colors. Now take the lighter ribbon and push the free end through the loop formed in a darker ribbon. scotland national animal Protect darker strip in position by pulling straight on a darker ribbon. Keep it up until it is only 4 inches ribbon scotland national animal and the other ends.
Close lei. Form the last loop by pressing one of the tape end through the loop and tighten lei pulling in opposite directions. Finally, close the lei by tying the ribbon tails in a knot.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Google

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