Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Public procurement wedding flowers is a tool of economic policy

Lagarde: World economy may grow more slowly than expected
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Global economic activity should increase in the second half of this year and accelerate in 2015, but the pace of growth may be weaker than expected - said on Sunday wedding flowers the head of the International Monetary Fund Christine wedding flowers Lagarde.
"Global activity reaches its peak, but the pace may be weaker than expected, because it is weaker potential growth and investment are still inhibited" - assessed Lagarde at an economic conference in southern France.
"Despite the many responses to the crisis economy to a moderate wedding flowers extent recovers, the return is laborious and fragile, and steps to boost economic growth, despite the good will of the central banks will face restrictions" - said the head of the IMF.
Lagarde wedding flowers noted that after a disappointing first quarter will see the revival of the U.S. economy; wedding flowers growth should accelerate now - assessed. The euro area is slowly recovering from the recession and the need for the country to continue its reforms, including to finalize the creation of a banking union. In Asia, particularly in China, the IMF foresees a gradual slowdown in growth, the pace of this year will reach 7-7.5 percent. GDP.
The head of the IMF also announced that the global economic outlook, which will be published later in July, will not differ much from those of April. Forecast for the global economy is accelerating the growth of 3.6 percent. this year to 3.9 percent. in the future. (PAP)
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Public procurement wedding flowers is a tool of economic policy
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