Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Democracy and human rights is a beautiful word, but the sight of the effects of instrumental resort

Energy is a strategic sector of the economy of Ukraine. After the Soviet heyday Ukrainian economy has become one of the most energy-intensive in the world. Due to the gas conflicts with neighbors and the newly formed and planned projects, gas, Ukraine loses forever its transit assets. Political and economic situation of the country is complicated by the involvement of international actors, whose interests do not allow for a solution without their share of local problems. Colored phalaenopsis orchid Revolution at our borders phalaenopsis orchid
At the beginning of 2014, Ukraine phalaenopsis orchid has political upheaval. We have seen - like in many other countries - peaceful protests and demonstrations, phalaenopsis orchid then attacks on the buildings of state institutions and their occupation, clashes with the forces of "regime", provocations, unidentified snipers firing into the crowd, the death of people in the streets, paralysis authorities, fleeing President and then voting, referendums, considered by one, not recognized by the other party to the conflict. All this is happening in a country phalaenopsis orchid that was founded in 1991 after the Soviet Union inherited the same structure as fragile countries in the Middle East or Africa, where artificial boundaries and ethnic divisions were and are a constant source of debilitating political conflict, military coups, bloody internal strife and civil wars .. And although Ukraine is in Europe, phalaenopsis orchid so these scenarios seem less likely, however, on the eastern borders of the country we are dealing with a civil war, in which people are dying every day.
The internal conflicts always involve external forces. Cold game involved powers the heating conflicts, well illustrate a comparison of Ukraine and Syria. Al-Assad's government is backed by Russia, armed opposition by the United States. In Ukraine, Yanukovych government supported Russia, while the United support pro-European opposition. Later, the roles are reversed: the Moscow coup supported the opposition, also armed, and Washington - the new government, formed by the former opposition, although its legality was questionable. Elections in Syria, the U.S. does not recognize, and the elections of May 25 in Ukraine are legal according to the State Department and selected in their power - legitimate. So, in Syria, and Ukraine close neighbors involved on one side of the conflict. Saudi Arabia supplies weapons to Syrian rebels, while Poland is in favor of the forces of conventionally called "Majdan", supporting them politically, diplomatically and propaganda. Power supply sides of the conflict in arms, officially or quietly. phalaenopsis orchid From such a mirror reversal of the situation, the two sides of the same conflict - the United States and Russia, to any followers of the values and principles in politics should spin in the head.
Important role of the mainstream media turning phalaenopsis orchid into such crisis moments in propaganda phalaenopsis orchid machine, designed to deliver equitable, black-and-white image of the conflict, integrate phalaenopsis orchid society around the rulers who are fighting an external phalaenopsis orchid enemy and discredit people who represent different views on the presented events. And this happens not only in Ukraine and not only in Russia but also in Poland, and even in the United States.
Democracy and human rights is a beautiful word, but the sight of the effects of instrumental resorting to scare them. Just look at the reality of Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Afghanistan. Noble values lead to many years of anarchy, phalaenopsis orchid armed struggle, the death of tens of thousands of people. Dispassionately is referred to as a "zone of instability", and that such a zone could arise for our eastern border. Geopolitics
The essence of the conflict in Ukraine is a global geopolitical competition powers. We can not forget about it, without it we do not understand nor political, nor energy issues. The importance of Ukraine for a new global system after the Cold War well put Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in "Global checkerboard" that his
meaning is not clear from the power or ambition, but rather with an important geographical position and its potential effects of instability for geostrategic player phalaenopsis orchid behavior. (...) Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire (...), but if Moscow re-gain control over Ukraine, with 52 million people, vast natural resources and access to the Black Sea, automatically recover to becoming a mighty empire, spinającym Europe and Asia .
Precisely because of its strategic location Ukraine has become phalaenopsis orchid the subject of a clash of major world players. On the one hand, the United States, which including the new member of NATO to the east, their plans also include phalaenopsis orchid Kiev. It is the desire of Washington to weaken phalaenopsis orchid Russia, was relatively phalaenopsis orchid safe as long as NATO expanded to Poland and the countries of Central Europe (joining phalaenopsis orchid in 1999), and even on the grounds of the former Soviet Union (the Baltic states in 2004). During this time, the Kremlin, weakened post-Soviet years

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