Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Home Gallery elegant and fashionable decorations henna family centerpiece life of motherhood and ch

Hanging basket of newspapers | Paper World Girls
Home Gallery elegant and fashionable decorations henna family centerpiece life of motherhood and childhood health and nutrition of domestic travel and tourism Arts and Crafts centerpiece measure Handicraft Crochet and knitting sewing and embroidery beauty Hair and Body Care Diet and agility Varieties
1. Qusay paper sizes medium (squares or triangles or rectangles) 2. Anfaja balloon to the required size and then painted with some oil. 3. Paste the national newsprint well on the balloon Bdehnha glue and covered by a balloon, except for the upper part of it and in the form and rise Trdi. Make and several layers in the same way to the thickness of the best and preferred to be another layer of white-colored cushion. 4. leaves the balloon to dry after that and then we bombed. centerpiece 5. works two holes in the top of the basket to install her relationship. 6. To Onyha Balbkhakh or brush to taste. 7. Zenaha taste strips or roses ... etc 8. Put them what you like, such as dried flowers centerpiece or small children or sweets centerpiece games ....

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