2013-04-24 14:00:30 | Ĭ Ϸ | ǩ | С
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һ Ҫ 1 һ ʱ ӭ ʱ Ϊ û ʲô Ϊ ڻ ʽ 䣬 һ 2 ɴ ɫ ʴ Ҫ ȷ ǣ DZر Σ ȷ Ҫ Ļ Ӧ ױ ɫ 3 ڴ ʱ б Ҫ ô ڴ ʱ Ϊ ʲ ʺ ', blogTag:'', blogUrl:'blog/static/12788047420133242030806', isPublished:1, istop:false, type:0, modifyTime:0, publishTime:1366783230806, permalink:'blog/static/12788047420133242030806', commentCount:0, mainCommentCount:0, recommendCount:0, bsrk:-100, publisherId:0, recomBlogHome:false, currentRecomBlog:false, attachmentsFileIds:[], vote:{}, groupInfo:{}, friendstatus:'none', followstatus:'unFollow', photos of flowers pubSucc:'', visitorProvince:'', visitorCity:'', visitorNewUser:false, postAddInfo:{}, mset:'000', mcon:'', srk:-100, remindgoodnightblog:false, isBlackVisitor:false, isShowYodaoAd:false, hostIntro:' http://www.swarov.in\r\n 룺573111444\r\n 绰 88761766\r\n サ Ⱥ 36131928 壩', hmcon:'1', selfRecomBlogCount:'0', lofter_single:' ' } {list a as x} {if !!x}
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